Wednesday, January 22, 2014

This is such a cute picture of Ella. I love how she has Minnie laying beside her with her head on her own pillow, so sweet!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Birthday Party!

Today we had a little birthday party for Ella. She had four friends over, Keegan, Avery, Addy and Hunter. When she saw all of her Minnie Mouse accessories for her party she just kept saying "Thank you so much". It was very sweet. It was really fun! The kids mostly played. We played a quick game of pin the tail on the donkey, opened gifts and then had cake! Thanks so much to Melissa for making the Minnie Mouse cake and cupcakes. It was beautiful and almost too nice to eat.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Ella!

She is 3! Time flies! She is an amazing girl. She is very smart and very caring. She is very silly too and loves to make us all laugh. Her favourite colours right now are purple and pink. She likes to watch Curious George and act like a monkey. She likes to type everyone's name on the computer. She can type "Ella", "Mommyy" and "Daddy" without assistance. We could go on and on but here are some pics from her birthday. We went out for lunch with Gram today. Then we came home and played outside, Gram and Gramp came over and then Ashley and Eric came over supper. We talked to Nanny on Skype, she is in Arizona now.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

It finally warmed up so we got to spend more time outside today, tobogganing and making snow angels!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Big Bed!

Tonight was the night that Ella slept in her big bed for the first time! It must have been comfortable because it didn't take her long to fall asleep.