Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ray's Reptiles

Today Ella, Mommy, Daddy and Mikey visited Ray's Reptiles. Ella loved it. She loves crocodiles and isn't afraid to touch any of the reptiles. Ella was fascinated by the snake eating a rat. And she held a scorpion.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day!

Ella waited very patiently while I set up her new race track. We had a pretty lazy day.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

He came! Santa was here. Ella was very excited this year. The first thing she did was check the table where Santa's snack was, it was gone. Then she checked the tree, there were new presents under there. Then she had to check outside, the peanuts and carrots were gone too!
We went to Gram and Gramp's for breakfast.
Then dinner at our house.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Getting ready for Santa Claus!

When we got home we got everything ready for Santa. We put out cookies and milk for Santa and Ella wanted to write him a note. Then we put out peanuts and carrots for Santa's reindeer.

Christmas Eve!

We went to visit with Nanny and Aunt Marg for lunch. Ella loved helping everyone open their gifts. And then we went to Aunt Julie, Tim and Jaime's house.

Sunday, December 21, 2014