Saturday, August 17, 2013

Anne and Parade!

Today we took a walk to Lucy Maud Montgomery's House (she wrote Anne of Green Gables). It was where she grew up and inspired her writing. Then in the afternoon we went to Michael and Lynn's house for a parade and supper.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Shopping and Beach Day!

Daddy and Matt went golfing today with their cousins Christopher and Brian. Mommy and Ella went shopping in the morning and then hung out at the beach in the afternoon! Then we went swimming in the pool where we were staying and then out for a nice LOBSTER dinner with Daddy.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Today we left really really early in the morning and drove to PEI. Daddy, Mommy, Matt and Ella! When we arrived we stopped to see Aunt Carol, Uncle Casey, Rowan, Sidney and Carson. Today is Sidney's 3rd Birthday. Happy Birthday Sid!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No more truck

Today Gram n' Gramp got rid of their truck and got a new is the last pic of the truck.